Except, I seem to have some sort of dementia when it comes to notebooks. They're all filled up, by me, but I have no memory of the things I've written. I'm talking NO memory. Like, there are plenty of inside jokes that I don't even understand, and they were *my* jokes.
I'm the girl who hates lists and couldn't write one to save my own life (or make grocery shopping easier), yet I have scores of notebooks filled with lists and words and doodles I don't even remember making. And, they're all ridiculous. Things I Would Teach a Parrot to Say, Inappropriate Songs to Sing at My Funeral, numerous bucket lists, books to read, old words that should make a comeback, the countries of the world in alphabetical order....and it goes on and on. (People who have sat next to me at meetings sometimes must have wondered why I have Azerbaijan in my notes, because they must have missed something.)
Today I found a notebook I don't even remember seeing, let alone writing in, but I found a list of things I should do with my life. At the top of the list, I wrote "Know All the Things!" and then crossed it out and wrote, "Damnit, Google." next to it. At the bottom of the page was a list of pros and cons for becoming an archaeologist.
In case it's too hard to read, the pros say *My name is already Jones *I could find a good man, and *I hate Nazis. The cons are *I don't have enough Asian friends *Maybe he wouldn't be a Time Lord, and *Sometimes it is snakes. Apparently I decided the cons outweighed the pros in this case.
My favorite part is the fact that I believed having a kid that looks like Data from the Goonies follow me around yelling "Doctah Jones!" was more of a pro than finding Biblical artifacts.
Okay, so it is a pretty good pro.
*Ahem* I could add to that list regarding archaeology! ;)
ReplyDeleteI will often write things in my lab notebook, some observation or plan, look at it later and, A) have NO IDEA what led me to write that, and B) have no memory of writing it. Good to know that I'm not the only crazy person around here. ;)
ReplyDeleteI will often write things in my lab notebook, some observation or plan, look at it later and, A) have NO IDEA what led me to write that, and B) have no memory of writing it. Good to know that I'm not the only crazy person around here. ;)
ReplyDeleteSometimes I go through my old class notebooks to see all of the doodles I've done. Often there's more art than writing on a given page, especially on the math ones for some reason.